Wednesday, April 2, 2014

  1. African Americans - why is there so much focus on discrimination on them
  2. they constitute a huge minority group in the U.S 14%

Native Americans -
  1. when the settlers brought diseases with them with illness that Americans didn't know about

Hispanic - any one that can talk Spanish

Asian Americans - Chinese laborers were the first Asians to come to America

Chinese exclusion Act 1882-80 years

section 3

those who oppose civil rights often believe you cant change morality

dr. king "judicial decrees... may not change the heart.

the civil rights Acts of 1964- passed after the longest debate in senate history 83 days

voting provision

public services

federal funding programs could not discriminate for the reasons listed above

civil rights Acts of 1968 aka the open housing act

you can not, not sale a house t someone because of their race

title 9 - forbids discrimination on the basis of gender in any educational program or program.

Affirimiative action - requires employers.

many argue this results in reverse discrimination

color blind - not caring

the bakke case -
Allan bakke sued the

section 4

an American citizen is a person that swears allegiance.

the 14th amendment was the first constitution definition it started 1868

all persons born or naturalized in the U.S and subject.

citizenship by birth -

90% of Americans are citizens by birth

if you are born on U.S soil then you are a citizen

citizen by naturalization -

legal process by which a person can become a citizen of another country.

collective naturalization - entire groups can be granted

loss of citizenship

has the right to voluntarily abandon his/her citizenship this is called expatriation

it is unconstitutional for congress to take away a persons citizenship based on something he/she has done. (even if a person is involved in another country's affairs)

naturalized citizens CAN lose their citizenship.


congress has exclusive power to regulate the crossing of this nation's borders: inward & outward

some people are denied entrance based on their characteristics: criminals, mentally ill who might be a harm, etc.

deportation- legal process by which aliens are required to leave the country.

biggest reason for deportation: illegal immigrant, conviction of a serious.

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