Monday, November 18, 2013

B-R 11/18/13

I believe that you should be able to pray before meetings the person that doesn't should set out.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

B-R 11/12/13

1. I would have picked to die because I would have not been able to move and I would have caused my family a emotional time.

Friday, November 8, 2013

DEBATES (marissa, merida, & scott, frankie)

120,000 men and women in the U.S. are on the waiting list

you can donate everything

you can save lives from donating things to them

$500,000 is worth a heart

it could help save 1,000 peoples lives if you would donate

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

B-R 11/6/13

1. I think that they should be able t go home to there family's and spend time with them. I like to spend time with my family so I know most other people do to. I also think that its unfear that they are giving negative comments about them wanting to close.

2. I think that they should be able to wear rainbow color and not go to jail.

Friday, November 1, 2013

DEBATES (Zack, Joey & Grant, Simon)

1. 18 year olds can go to war.
2. lowering it would make it safer.
3. why would they want to be driving drunk at the age of 18 when they just got there license at the age of 16.
4. drinking at the age of 18 there is less traffic problems.
5. more crashes more jobs.

B-R 11/1/13

1. Yes, because the boy was toilet papering the guys house.
2. That we are ignorant