Thursday, October 31, 2013

B-R 10/31/13

1.. yes its to harsh and rude maybe she shouldn't give out anything.
2. yes I mean its her opinion she can do whatever she wants.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

B-R 10/30/13

1. More people are learning for democrat.
2. Yes!
3. More people will vote for democrat and they will win.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Cartoon Pictures

1. Why is there an elephant. (message)
 Why is the man getting arrested. (subject)
 Why is the building in the picture. (message)
 Why isn't the rest of that building in the picture. (subject)
 Why does the sleeve of the cop say voters. (subject)

2. It looks like two men digging into a ham with knives and forks. It looks like they are not for the same team and they are trying to fight for the ham.

3. It looks like kids in a room and this wall is shutting in on them and their trying to push it back and there's this crack so there's only a little light shinning in, one kid id trying peek out of the crack.

B-R 10/29/13

1. I feel that its stupid because its not fat on must people its mussel.
2. no because you could be skinny and be out of shape.
3. I would cut it out because it stupid and I feel that they should have to pass a fitness test.

Monday, October 28, 2013


5. centrist
4. 50% conservative, 50% liberal
3. right authoritarian

B-R 10/28/13

1. I don't know what's going on.
2. yes because its his opinion.
3. so many people don't believe in the same thing now a days.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

B-R 10/22/13

1. no, I don't think it should be a lawsuit because its is own fault and if he's hurt that bad then he shouldn't have pushed it over

2. yes, because he had no right to do that so I think he should be charged with everything possible.

Monday, October 21, 2013

B-R 10/21/13

1. its so hard to get away from devices because they have some many good games and different thing on all of the devices.

2. yes, I could survive without my device because I could find something else to do and I haven't had a phone sine 9th grade I just now got another one.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

B-R 10-15-13

1. I think they should be arrested because they need to learn not to do that kind of stuff. because if they let u go u would think oh if I do it again I will get away with it.


Monday, October 14, 2013

people making a differance

  • Allis Paul - main leader of the women suffrage.
  • she grew up in new jersey and was very smart she also helped get the 19th amendment in place.

Margaret - they should choose to have a child and she was racialist she was big on the birth control.

great piece maker-  he was a Indian, he stared this thing that was some kind of a Indian thing. he traveled across the land. they were all about piece.

Andrew Carnegie - at the age of 13 he stared working for a railroad. learned a lot about railroad was a very wealthy person,

Evia  she was in a small village her father died in a car wreck

Thursday, October 10, 2013

B-R 10/10/13

1. Its saying that our congress is still making bad chocies.
2. I would probably vote against them because i want to change things not make them worst.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

B-R 10/9/13

I think that you should give your money to the best person because why would u want your bad best friend being something when there is someone that is better then that best friend so all I'm saying is that you should pick the person that is going to do a better job rather then picking your best friend.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

BR 10/8/13

I don't think they should have to change there name because they have had that name for ever. And know one uses that as a racial insult now a days.

Monday, October 7, 2013

B-R 10/7/13

1. Its saying that the security  is not paying very close attention to what they are suppose to be doing.
2. No I'm not surprised that something like this could happen now a days because people now a days don't care about thing like that.

Respone to Grandchild

I said I went to college and had your mom and she had you and that changed my life. I helped people recycle and that helps with the earths environment.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

BR 10/1/13

1. Why is it shutting down?
2. What caused it to shut down?
3. I don't understand anything going on right now!

  Are me and Sarah Mongold the only ones that don't know what the government shutting down is.