Friday, August 30, 2013

BR - 8/30/13

I think they should of told the white woman to leave. They were going to get more money for the 25 people then just one person. They told the group of blacks they were a situation that they needed to leave. If i was the manager i would have told the white lady to leave.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

i had a dream

  1. What i think he meant by this quote. He is saying that children are going to be able to do things they want and not have to be unwanted.
  2. He's saying that everyone is gods child.
     1.  It was appropriate for the the time because the blacks were not treated right. If people had children they would be treated like all the blacks so it's opening the doors to opportunity for the children.

BR - 8/29/13

  • never be satisfied
  • all men are created equally
  • he had a dream
  • he knew his speech would be famous
  • 100 years later blacks still arent appreciated
  • black men less then white men
  • the wanted the rights to vote
  • they stuck together in brotherhood
  • black people insifficent funds
  • then was a time for change

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

BR - 8/27/13

1. yes, i think the two kids should have been charged like an adult because they should have known better.

2. i think people should know that they were the ones to do all the things that has went on in there town.

3.if u know that there is a kid like that take them to get help.